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Sticky Clients

Sticky Clients

If you’ve been working in the IT world for awhile, you’ve likely encountered so-called “sticky client syndrome.”  A sticky client remains connected to an AP even as the device roams further and further away from the AP. Users can get frustrated because their device shows a low signal, even as they may be standing directlyRead more about Sticky Clients[…]

802.11 Deferral Process (Medium Access Method)

802.11 Deferral Process (Medium Access Method)

The 802.11 standard ensures that all stations, both radio-based network interface cards (NICs) and access points, implement access methods for sharing the air medium. When installing wireless LANs (WLAN), most people don’t give much thought to these mechanisms. A solid understanding of 802.11’s medium access methods, however, will enable you to deal more effectively withRead more about 802.11 Deferral Process (Medium Access Method)[…]